Things have been very busy here at the Blanchard's residence. I often joke that I thought retirement was sitting on the porch, watching the grass grow. Nothing could be further from the truth!
First off, my other half, Jane, has been very busy working on her book in what spare time she has. She's putting me to shame since she is much further ahead than I on her
Women of the Camino book. She hasn't let me peek at it yet, but from what little I have seen, it is going to be a winner. Jane has been smartly building her writing platform and if you're an author, or just interested in the process of writing a book, check out her author's blog at
My next work, A FEW MORE ZEROES, is up to about 170 pages thus far. My goal is put together an even more humorous story than the previous book, and still retain quality information and guidance for the reader that might just go off and walk the Camino de Santiago. Authors should strive to have every book be better than the previous one, which means we're always raising our own personal bar.
In addition to those efforts, there is the day-to-day author activity of Twitter, Facebook and keeping up with the fan mail. I love the fan mail, so keep it coming, either through email or snail mail.
On 17 March we had a nice celebration here: I turned 65. My best gift was by far Medicare. Hopefully that, and my Veterans health care, will allow me many more years of trekking and writing. We had a fabulous party here and I'm still hoarse from all the laughter with good friends, and their roasting me. Hint: never let friends know anything about you, they'll use it on you at events like birthdays.
This coming Wednesday I'll be doing a presentation at the local Appalachian Trail Club of Florida. Time ran out on finding a speaker for our monthly meeting so I've put together a program about the AT that should be fun. If you can be in the Sarasota, Florida area this Wednesday, 21 March, stop by the Sarasota Garden Club and check out our club. Meeting starts at 6:30, bring a pot luck dish to share.
Sorry the blog here has been kinda quiet lately, writing another book is an all-consuming effort. I promise, I'll be here more often as soon as possible.