I received the following from a reader that just finished THREE HUNDRED ZEROES. I was so moved by his comments, I just had to share them. Thanks Ian:
Dennis, I just finished reading your book today. I never do this but felt it necessary to tell you what an influence it has had on me. I am an avid hiker in upstate New York's Adirondacks, a father of two young childeren (5 and 4) with my third(and last) on the way in April.
Reading your book and your positive attitude about everything is a true inspiration to me and just went to show me how short and unexpected our lives can be. Reading your book has given me a new outlook on everything and has taught me to take nothing for granted.
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart (no pun intended) I hope to hike the A.T. at some point in my life and I will constantly use you as an inspiration.
Thank you,
Ian Smith
Thank you again Ian, you're the real inspiration.
Dennis, "K1"